Martial Arts Classes near McLean, VA
Nei Qi (Internal Forms and Meditation)
Nei Qi better known as “Internal Breath Forms” These are “softer” in nature than Wei Qi “external forms”. There is a fair amount of “Chin Na” which literally means “joint lock”. Chin Na is the grandfather of Jui Jitsu and Judo. What this means is that manipulation of the joints from fingers to knees is used to neutralize a threat and/or to set up open hand strikes or certain kicks. Nei Qi is not modern Tai Qi Quan as the forms date from the mid 1200’s and older. In this class we practice the forms but also learn the techniques as doing so takes the abstractness out of the movements.
We also practice a few examples of truly ancient Qi Gong such as “Five Beasts At Play”, the earliest written record of which was discovered in a tomb of a doctor (DaiFu) in the city of Chungdu. The tomb was identified as having been built in 239bce. We also practice some meditations, both moving while sitting and standing.
This class is ideal for someone looking to explore the ancient softer arts for health reasons yet still gain an understanding of Nei Qi and Qi Gong beyond just repetition of a routine.
Class Location
At this time, Combat Martial Arts Training classes are held in local parks in Langley and Oakton, Virginia. This applies to both group and private lessons. CLASSES for Self Defense for Woman and CMAT are now available at the Sharon 327 Masonic Hall, 999 Balls Hill Road, McLean, VA. INDOORS!!! SDFW at 5:45-6:45pm on Monday and Wednesday, and CMAT at 7:00-8:30pm Monday, Wednesday. Nei Qi class is Friday 6:00-7:30pm. Please contact TTT Performance Martial Arts via the email address “” for inquiries about a class in either Combat Martial Arts Training or our exclusive Strictly Self Defense for Woman program. Please email for information concerning availability and pricing.
Strictly Self Defense for Women is available as well for Corporate Training in person in the greater Washington DC/ NOVA area.