About Us
Our Philosophy
The philosophy is simple and direct; engage the student in every aspect of training that leads to the end result of that student being a complete and world class Martial Artist. We do not train for Forms Competitions or “Point Sparring Competitions”. We train to be expert fighters through the study and practice of ancient styles and techniques of true combat Martial Arts that have existed for a thousand years or more for the simple reason that they work.
I began teaching in the late 1980’s. From then until now my philosophy has been the same; I teach as I was taught. My classes were always held outside, the only exception being if the weather was life threatening. That continues through today for the majority of my classes other than seminars in Self Defense done at the clients chosen location. I prefer training outdoors as it makes for more realistic training. The type of techniques we can use can depend much on the weather; the environment we may find ourselves in at a moment of conflict will offer much we can use to our advantage. The great Japanese Martial Artist Miyamoto Musashi advised “ be an expert in one style, but know enough of others to be able to recognize them and use them. If a new weapon or technique comes along, learn it and add it to what you know. Only this can make one complete”. As a Master rank holder in several styles I agree with him completely.